The Royal Care

New Patients

Your Journey to Wellness Starts Here.

Welcome to The Royal Care, where compassionate guidance and professional expertise come together to support your journey towards improved mental and emotional well-being.

Taking the first step towards seeking help takes courage, and we are glad you're here. Our practice provides individuals, couples, and families with a safe, nurturing environment where you can explore, heal, and grow. Whether you're grappling with life's challenges, seeking personal growth, or simply in need of someone to talk to, our team of dedicated and experienced therapists is here to guide and support you on your path to a healthier, more fulfilling life.

We're committed to your well-being and look forward to being a part of your healing journey.

Couples therapist where husband is shaking the therapist's hand

New Patient Journey


Complimentary Consultation

Your journey begins by either calling (571) 645-2222 or filling in the contact form to schedule a free 20-minute session with our Intake Coordinator.

>>> If you have insurance, please fill in our Insurance Verification Form so our Intake Coordinator can advise you of coverage options during your consultation.

The goal of the consultation is to ensure that your specific needs align with the services offered by our counselors and to create a strong foundation for a successful therapeutic relationship. During this brief initial meeting, here's what you can typically expect:

  • Exploration of Concerns: The intake coordinator will ask you to briefly outline your primary concerns, issues, or reasons for seeking counseling services. We will inquire about your goals and what you hope to achieve through counseling. Understanding these objectives helps us determine which services will best meet your needs.
  • Discussion of Counseling Services: The intake coordinator will explain the various counseling services and therapeutic approaches available within our practice and will offer insights into which type of counseling might be most suitable for your situation. You and the intake coordinator will assess whether our practice will be the best fit, or if your needs may be best met at another practice.
  • Logistics and Scheduling: If we mutually agree that our practice is a good fit, we will discuss practical details, such as session duration, frequency, fees, insurance, and appointment scheduling. This ensures that you are clear about the aspects of the counseling process with The Royal Care.
  • Questions and Clarifications: You can ask any questions you may have about the counseling process, the counselor's qualifications, or any other concerns.
  • Paperwork and Documentation: If you decide to start your care with us, the intake coordinator will email you with paperwork, which includes consent forms, privacy policies, and other documents to ensure a productive first session with your counselor. These will need to be filled in electronically before your first appointment.
photo of Kirsten Makary
Kirsten Makary
Intake Coordinator
(571) 645-2222


Anthem logo
Blue Cross Blue Shield logo
Cigna Logo
United Healthcare Logo

Initial Assessment

The first assessment session is a crucial step in your path to wellness. You can expect a supportive and non-judgmental atmosphere where you can express yourself openly and honestly. This session will set the foundation for the therapeutic relationship and helps your counselor create a tailored treatment plan. Here is what to expect in this assessment:

  • Establishing Rapport: The counselor will create a warm and supportive environment to help you feel at ease and begin building a therapeutic relationship. They will introduce themselves, explain the counseling process, and emphasize the importance of confidentiality.
  • Presenting Concerns: Your counselor will review the information you provided during your intake and ask you more detailed questions regarding your main concerns and reasons for seeking counseling. This sharing helps your counselor gain a better understanding of your needs.
  • Personal History: Your counselor will ask questions about your personal and family history, including information about childhood, education, relationships, and any significant life events. This background information can provide valuable context for the therapeutic process.
  • Assessment of Symptoms: The counselor will inquire about the your current emotional and psychological state, including any symptoms such as anxiety, depression, or stress. This assessment helps in diagnosing and tailoring treatment.
  • Goals and Expectations: You will get the opportunity to discuss your goals and what you hope to achieve through counseling. This helps in setting clear objectives for the therapy.
  • Past Counseling or Treatment: If you have previously received counseling or mental health treatment, your counselor may inquire about the experiences and outcomes of those treatments.
  • Counselor's Approach: Your counselor will explain their therapeutic approach and the techniques they plan to use. This discussion will help you understand what to expect from the counseling process. They could make a recommendation to participate in group therapy if it is deemed appropriate. 
  • Treatment Plan: Based on the information gathered, your counselor may outline an initial treatment plan. This can include the frequency and duration of sessions, the specific therapeutic methods to be used, and a general timeline for progress.
  • Questions and Clarifications: You will have the opportunity to ask questions, seek clarifications, or express any concerns you have about the therapy process or the counselor's approach. We take a personalized approach to care and want you to feel comfortable and informed about every step.
  • Next Steps: Your counselor will discuss what comes next and arrange the scheduling of future sessions. Your first session may conclude with a discussion of any initial insights or coping strategies that can be helpful to you.

Exploration and Insight

Throughout the subsequent sessions, your counselor will guide you in delving deeper into the layers of your inner self. Together, you will gently unearth the root causes, unexplored emotions, and thought patterns that have influenced your journey. This process isn't just about introspection; it's a nurturing journey towards self-awareness and profound insights, helping you forge a clearer connection with yourself and your unique challenges.


Skill Development

With your therapist by your side, you'll embark on a journey of practical skill development. These sessions are dedicated to crafting a toolbox of coping strategies, improving communication skills, and mastering emotional regulation techniques. These invaluable skills are your keys to unlocking the door to better self-management and creating positive transformations in your life.


Progress and Maintenance

As the counseling journey continues, you and your therapist will track your progress, and celebrate achievements, and address any setbacks that may arise. Your sessions will conclude when you feel as though you have achieved your goals and have the tools you need to be successful. You and your counselor may decide on a schedule of maintenance sessions to ensure ongoing support and reinforce the skills you've acquired. It's all part of your ongoing journey to lasting well-being and personal growth.


Discover hope and renewed strength through holistic counseling services.

Frequently Asked Questions

We offer both virtual and in-person options. For telehealth appointments, we ensure the interaction between the patient and clinician is completely secure and HIPAA compliant. Our teleconferencing software encrypts all forms of data, including video and audio.

Our team of compassionate counselors are specially trained to see patients from age 4 up to 65+ years. Please see our Team page for more information on the ages served by each therapist.

Our practice is dedicated to providing affordable, accessible, high-quality mental health care. We currently accept the following insurance plans:

  • Anthem
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield (Carefirst)
  • Cigna
  • United Healthcare

For all other insurance providers, we are considered an out-of-network provider. If you are out-of-network, you will be required to self-pay, and payment is due at each session. 


Please note that many times, insurance will reimburse you for some of the cost of an out-of-network visit, or may apply the amount to your deductible. We recommend contacting your insurance provider (on the number on the back of your card) to find out more information about your out-of-network benefits.


A few questions you can ask are: 

  • Does my policy allow for out-of-network benefits?

  • Do I have a behavioral health policy with out-of-network benefits? If so, what percentage do you cover, and what is the network fee?

  • Are their requirements to use out-of-network benefits?
  • Do you require prior authorization?

  • Does my policy have an out-of-network deductible?

    • If yes, what is my deductible?

    • How much of my out-of-network deductible has been met?

    • What CPT codes (types of therapeutic services) do you cover?

    • Where do I find the claim form?

Our self-pay rates are as follows:

  • Initial Evaluation/Assessment (60 min) $200
  • Individual and Play Therapy: (53 min) $170
  • Couples/Family Therapy: (50 min) $170

  • Telehealth Therapy Services: (53 min) $170

We have limited availability for sliding scale rates for those who are unable to afford the full, standard rate. Please contact us for more information.

During your complimentary 20 minute patient intake session, our Intake Coordinator will work with you to match you with a counselor who has expertise in the areas you need.

We have a range of counseling services for all ages. Some of our specialties including play therapy, trauma therapy, and substance abuse counseling.

We have various formats such as individual, couples, families, and group therapy. Please see our Services page for our full list of therapy options.

Have Questions?